Essential Resources and Job Search Tips for Amputees

Losing a limb is one of those few life-altering experiences that impacts one’s physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. Every amputee’s journey is different, yet all share certain common challenges such as finding employment, getting a driver's license, or getting through airport security. However, an amputee can get through this new stage in life with appropriate resources and practical advice. In the first part of this blog series, we will explore valuable resources, advice, and practical tips to help amputees secure their ideal jobs.

Finding a Job

While looking for a job as an amputee or a person with disability, users can go for the traditional route or they can also explore platforms and schemes custom-made for them.

Connecting with employers who value diversity and mentors who have experience working with a disability can be insightful and helpful. LinkedIn and Movao are great platforms to discover such individuals globally.

With the recent rise in remote jobs and freelancing, various opportunities have opened up for amputees or people who need more flexibility in their work environment. Websites like and Freelancing platforms like UpWork or Fiverr are providing various opportunities across different industries. 

Dedicated websites like Ability Jobs or Disabled Person help amputees find jobs with employers who value diversity and inclusivity. They also help the candidate prepare a resume, compare packages, and attend job fairs. Attending such job fairs and platforms like these helps potential employees network with employers who prioritize talent and skill. 

Amputees and People with disability in the USA are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It prohibits workplace discrimination and ensures equal employment opportunity irrespective of the disability. Under the ADA, employers are also required to make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. 

Each state in the USA has its own Vocational Rehabilitation Services to provide counseling, training, and customized placement assistance for the disabled. The eligibility for these programs may vary depending on the individual's level of disability and state-specific rules. These programs can help amputees adjust to the new routine and develop new skills. 

Various support organizations like The Amputee Coalition, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) advocate for amputees ‘seeking employment. They also provide legal aid and other resources in case of workplace discrimination against amputees. 

In Canada, the Accessible Canada Act and Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (CPP-D) promote an inclusive job market and also provide financial support to amputees in case of long-term disability. Users can find jobs on special platforms like and CCRW

In the UK, the Equality Act of 2010 protects disabled people and assistive device users from workplace discrimination. It ensures equal opportunity for all. 

UK government’s initiatives like Access to Work or websites like EvenBreak, Disability Jobsite, and Disability Job can help connect amputees with inclusive employers. 

The United Kingdom also offers Vocational training and rehabilitation services through the National Health Service (NHS) and Private organizations. It helps amputees adapt to their existing workplace or acquire new skills. 

Support Organizations like LimbPower and the Limbless Association provide support, advocacy, and resources for amputees seeking employment. They also offer networking opportunities with employers who value inclusivity and diversity.


Zeus, a Perfect Helping Prosthetic Hand

Choosing the right prosthesis which supports users in their workplaces and enhances their professional skills is very important. Zeus offers a high degree of dexterity with 12 customized grip patterns. This becomes extremely useful to professionals across different industries.

With a lift capacity of 77lbs(35kgs) and over 150N of grip force, one of the best prosthetic hands in the US can become extremely useful in heavy tasks that require strength.

Zeus’s real-time remote reconfigurability allows users to be confident at work and also explore different work requirements because they know, they can always connect with their clinician in real time to adjust the device setting per their needs.

Living with a limb loss can be challenging and requires a new lifestyle. But with adequate knowledge and a little support, amputees and prosthetic device users can adjust to the new normal smoothly. Various resources and organizations are there to help navigate through life and achieve their goals.  

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